In the news

On this page we we link to media coverage of our cases and to other commentary or appearances

Cycling group secures court decision over permission for Dublin apartments

Dublin Cycling Campaign is granted leave for judicial review of Bord Pleanála decision on development beside Connolly Station
Irish Times

Court to rule at later date on challenge aimed at quashing Project Ireland 2040

A High Court judge will rule on a later date on a challenge aimed at quashing the €116 billion Project Ireland 2040 plan for the country’s development as invalid over alleged failure to carry out proper environmental assessments.
Irish Times

Residents get go-ahead to challenge 661 home development at Rathmullen Road

Residents of the Highlands Estate on the Rathmullen Road and the environmental group “Protect East Meath” had a significant victory in the High Court yesterday.
Drogheda Life

FOI requests under threat during coronavirus crisis

Processing of personal data is lawful Freedom of information requests are under threat, with some public bodies seeking them to be withdrawn and others suspending the use of the Freedom of Information Act.

Details on Apple legal fees remain secret

Processing of personal data is lawful if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, for example an obligation to grant access to records under the FOI Act.
Irish Examiner

The first steps on the path to dismantling the Public Services Card

The first steps on the path to dismantling the Public Services Card (PSC) system have been taken with the publication of the Data Protection Commission’s (DPC) summary of its findings. Irish Examiner

State could face massive Public Services Card bill

The State could be facing multimillion euro payouts after it was found to have illegally retained the personal data of 3.2m people in the rollout of its Public Services Card (PSC). Irish Examiner

Watchdog finds Public Services Card breached data protection laws

Environmental group given leave to review decision to refuse funding for cases against State

Legal Aid Board ruled its aid was only available to individuals and not companies Irish Times

Developers of Shannon gas processing terminal ordered not to begin construction

A High Court judge has ordered the developers of a €500 million liquefied natural gas processing terminal in the Shannon estuary not to begin construction, and referred a case brought by Friends of the Irish Environment (FIE) to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Irish Times

Friends of the Irish Environment challenges Shannon gas plant decision

The decision to extend planning permission for a €500 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant beside the Shannon estuary should have not have proceeded without a separate evaluation of its climate change impact, the High Court has been told.
Irish Times 30.1.2019

Facebook in charm offensive as Sandberg meets data chief

O’Callaghan, the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF), and Dublin law firm FP Logue are working on an amendment to the Data Protection Act that would make it unlawful to harvest children’s social media data to help fast food companies to target them with online advertising.
Sunday Business Post 27.1.19

Environment: A legal milestone

High Court’s recognition of constitutional right to environmental protection is to be commended
Irish Times 28.11.17

State must justify introduction of public services card

Card project will fail unless mass harvesting of personal data conforms to EU privacy laws
Irish Times 7 September 2017

Inquiry refuses mother access to adoption files

A mother who lost her child to adoption through a mother and baby home, maternity hospital, and adoption agency, has been refused access to her personal records by the state inquiry investigating the issue.
Irish Examiner 10.12.2018

Government must open files – A significant victory for democracy

On Wednesday, Ms Justice Mary Faherty overturned a Government refusal to disclose Cabinet discussions on greenhouse-gas emissions between 2002 and 2016.
Irish Examiner 6.7.2018

Political Advertising Online and Effective Data Regulation

IIEA.COM 15.5.2018

Protection of rare bird of prey could halt Donegal wind farm

Irish Raptor Study Group seeking High Court order quashing decision to grant permission

Irish Times 19.9.2018

Echo Chamber Podcast (Episode #96) 16.9.018

Key element of Cork flood defences delayed after EU court ruling

Cork City Council confirmed this morning that it will now have to prepare a new environmental screening of its contentious €6m Morrison’s Island public realm and flood defence project.
Irish Examiner 2.10.2018

Environmental group gets green light to challenge €500m gas terminal

An environmental charity was granted leave this morning in the High Court to judicially review An Bord Pleanála’s decision to extend planning permission for a proposed €500 million gas terminal in Co Kerry. 4.10.2018

Cabinet records on climate change discussion released after court ruling

Historic move follows an Access to Information on the Environment request made by campaign group Right to Know regarding discussions about CO2 emissions.
Irish Times 21.9.2018

Dun Laoghaire Cruise Liner Berth – ‘Save Our Seafront’ Win in Court Battle

Save Our Seafront wins legal case against the proposed Dún Laoghaire Cruise Terminal, An Bórd Pleanála concedes case without a fight.
Afloat 8.4.2017

Data ruling may force vulture funds to reveal price they paid for mortgages

A data-protection ruling involving State assets agency Nama could force vulture funds to tell homeowners how much they paid to buy their mortgages, one expert says.
Irish Times 3.3.2018

Does blanket CCTV coverage really provide security

Duleek in Co Meath has cameras covering the entire village as part of a community surveillance scheme, but is it a vital crime prevention tool or an invasion of privacy? 
Irish Times 16.11.2017

Symphysiotomy survivors ask for records to be returned

Survivors of symphysiotomy have appealed to the State’s redress scheme to reconsider its intention to destroy their medical and other records.
Irish Times 26.2.2016

Data protection chief must not distance herself from complainants

Disengaging from individuals could open Ireland to a sanction by European courts
Irish Times 9.4.2016

Council to take steps to address derelict Old Mill site in Meath

Meath County Council has confirmed it will finally take steps to force the owners of a site on which a long-derelict hotel stands to take action to address its ruinous condition, or else it will place it on the derelict sites register within months.
Irish Times 20.7.2017

Star Wars filming behind ‘incidents’ on Skellig Michael

The Office of Public Works (OPW) has confirmed that “incidents” occurred on Skellig Michael during Star Wars filming last week that required “repairs” by its stonemason staff.
Irish Times 26.9.2015