We are pleased to welcome Eoin Brady to the FP Logue team

Eoin is a consultant in the firm specialising in environmental and planning law. He previously worked as Senior Planning Lawyer with a leading Irish law firm, as Senior Solicitor with EirGrid the national electricity transmission system operator, and as a State Solicitor with the Chief State Solicitors Office. He has extensive experience of litigation in each of the Irish superior courts, as well as the superior courts of Victoria, Australia where he previously practiced as a litigation lawyer.
Eoin holds a First Class Honours LLM in Environmental Law from Queens University Belfast. He has a deep interest in environmental issues and previously worked for Europe’s leading public interest environmental law organization ClientEarth in Brussels. He recognises the value of law as a tool to address environmental problems, and to ensure public participation in decisions affecting the quality of the built and natural environment.
Eoin is a tutor in environmental and energy law with the Law Society of Ireland.
Eoin can be contact on (01) 531 3510 or eoin.brady@fplogue.com